Savor the Astonishing Japanese Green Tea Health Benefits

There is no denying the health benefits of tea. In particular, regular green tea consumption is known to have beneficial effects on human health. So what exactly are the Japanese green tea health benefits?

What is green tea?

First, it is important to understand the difference between types of tea. Ironically, green tea, black tea, white tea, and oolong tea all come from the same plant. The difference between each type of tea has to do with the processing of the tea plant.

Specifically, all tea types are prepared from dried leaves and lead buds from the plant Camellia sinensis. Green tea is made by pan frying or steaming the leaves, then letting them dry. However, Japanese tea is usually steamed preserving the rich green color. The process is done without letting the green tea leaves oxidize. As a result, there is a higher concentration of the powerful antioxidants that contribute to the positive effect on your body.

Japanese green tea health benefits

What compounds in green tea are responsible for the health benefits 

There are many reported health benefits of Japanese green tea. So what is it about green tea that makes it good for you? Well, there are several bioactive compounds that are believed to be responsible for these health benefits.


First, green tea catechins are believed to be responsible for many of the health benefits of green tea. Specifically epigallocatechin gallate (ECGC), helps to fight free radicals to prevent oxidative stress that can cause a wide range of health issues in your body. Additionally, ECGC is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancer properties making green tea an excellent choice.


L-theanine is one of the 20 different amino acids you need to function normally. Historically, this amino acid has been used to settle down your nervous system to promote mental health. Clinical trials examining these claims seem to support the claims that L-theanine is helpful for your cognitive function. Interestingly, in addition to brain function, sleep quality also improved in the same study.

Are there different types of green tea? 

Interestingly, there are over 20 different varieties of green tea. You may wonder how that is possible since they come from the same plant. Basically, there are many different varieties of the Camellia sinensis plant. Think of how many different tomatoes and apples there are! The good news, regardless of the type of green tea, enjoying a cup of tea on a regular basis will promote good health.

What are the different types of green tea

What are the different types of green tea?

It is crazy to think there are over 20 different types of this popular tea. With differences ranging from where the tea plant has grown to the process of harvesting, the taste and caffeine content can be different. Typically known for their sweet taste, Japanese green tea plants are either grown in direct sunlight or in the shade. Here are the most popular types you may see.

  • Sencha tea. By far the most popular green tea in Japan. A single cup of sencha green tea has as much caffeine as a cup of coffee to keep you going.
  • Matcha tea. Matcha green tea is prepared by creating a fine powder from the entire leaf. As a result of the high antioxidant contents, the health benefits of a single cup of matcha tea made from matcha powder is equal to several cups of green tea.
  • Bancha tea. This lesser known tea is considered an everyday tea. Harvested from the same plant of sencha, except Bancha tea comes from the 2nd or 3rd harvest.
  • Gyokuro tea. Considered a special tea, before harvesting this tea is given shade for 3 weeks to boost the caffeine content.
  • Tencha tea. Made from the same leaf as Matcha, except this special tea is not ground into a powder. Known as the purest form of green tea since the preparation uses only the leaf.
  • Genmaicha tea. Basically sencha tea, except this tea is mixed with rice to add to a nuttier flavor.

Japanese green tea health benefits 

Green tea and your brain function

Brain power

Want to stay sharp and focused all day? Well, green tea might be your solution. Similar to coffee, green tea contains caffeine. Although, in lesser amounts to reduce the jitters you may experience.


Research has shown caffeine to be a brain boosting compound. Caffeine has been shown to improve your mood, level of alertness, memory, and your reaction time. So, if you are feeling mentally tired after your lunch, green tea may help you power through your afternoon.


Beyond caffeine, green tea contains other brain boosting compounds. In particular, green tea is a great source of L-theanine. This amino acid has been shown to be helpful in reducing anxiety. Further, L-theanine increases the production of dopamine, or the feel good hormone. So, if you are dealing with a stressful day that has you feeling anxious, make yourself a cup of Japanese green tea.

Finally, there is evidence that these two brain boosting compounds work together to enhance the effects. Meaning, more brain boosting power than coffee.

Weight loss

Interestingly, if you have ever read the ingredients on any weight loss formula you likely saw green tea extract. For good reason. There is clinical evidence that green tea can speed up your metabolism to burn extra calories.

However, the evidence is not conclusive since some studies were unable to recreate the results of a metabolic boost. That is, unless you use your green tea as a pre-workout formula. Studies have shown that consumption of green tea followed by bouts of moderate exercise increased fat oxidation. The best part, the possible side effects of green tea are so much smaller than that container of artificial dyes and flavors that make up your current pre-workout drink.

Green tea can stand up to cancer

Lowers your cancer risk

The word cancer is enough to make you cringe. Some people will try anything to lower their risk for developing this horrible disease. Sadly, a large number of cancers are triggered by your body’s inability to detoxify environmental exposures. However, antioxidants are helpful at preventing this process referred to as oxidative damage.

Green tea is loaded with these cancer fighting antioxidants. Research has shown green tea may play a role in preventing many types of cancer. Specifically, the strongest research has shown the most benefit for the following types of cancer.

  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate cancer
  • Colorectal cancer

Green tea may exert benefits to other types of cancer. However more evidence is needed before the benefits can be stated as fact.

Prevent neurocognitive disorders

Let’s face it, aging is a natural part of life. With that being said, everyone wants to age gracefully. Sadly, this is not always the case. The rates of dementia and other cognitive disorders are rising as our population ages. If only there were something you could do to lower the risk.

Well, green tea might be part of the fight. Catching compounds found in green tea have protective effects for your brain cells. In particular your neurons. Although more human data is needed, there is speculation that these compounds could reduce the risk of dementia.

Fight the bad bacteria causing bad breath with Japanese green tea

Helps fight halitosis

Are you self-conscious of your breath? Certainly brushing your teeth at work or when you are out to eat can help, but it is also inconvenient. Well, maybe you should have a cup of green tea with your meal.

One of the causes of halitosis is accumulation of bacteria from food digestion. While good oral hygiene is the best way to avoid having bad breath, green tea may help. 

There is evidence that green tea can reduce this bacterial activity in your mouth. In turn, you may help to control that sulfur-like odor from bad breath.

Prevents diabetes

Diabetes has become an epidemic that seems to be getting worse. While there are treatments available they do come with side effects. Ideally, preventing diabetes should be the focus.

Regarding prevention, green tea may be part of the solution. High daily consumption of green tea lowered the risk of developing diabetes by almost 1/3.

Unfortunately, according to current evidence this is not the same for treatment of diabetes. The current evidence has failed to show improvements in diabetes with use of green tea. 

However, remember prevention is the best treatment. So, stock up on green tea and help to keep your body healthy.

Drink your way to a lower risk of heart disease with Japanese green tea

Lowers the risk of heart disease

Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is so common, you likely know someone that has been diagnosed with heart disease. Therefore, finding safe and easy ways to prevent and treat them has become so important.

Evidence shows that green tea may be one of the answers to controlling heart disease. The catechins found in tea are known to protect your blood vessels.

Additionally, these same compounds resist oxidation, reduce inflammation of your blood vessels, reduce clot formation, and help you maintain a healthy lipid balance.

Promotes longevity 

Want to live a long, but healthy life? Who doesn’t? While nothing is guaranteed, there are some simple things you can do to improve your life expectancy.

By examining different cultures that are known for longevity, there is evidence that lifestyle practices are important. Despite speculation that green tea could improve your lifespan, there was little evidence as to why. Until now.

Researchers have discovered that the catechins in green tea are responsible for the benefits of boosting your life span. Even better, because of the other health benefits of green tea, your quality of life is likely to remain high.

Slow the aging process with a cup of Japanese green tea

Possible anti-aging benefits

Certainly, you understand that aging is a natural part of life. Despite this, you may be willing to do anything to slow the process. From Botox to microneedling, there is an abundance of procedures that can make you look younger.

Certainly effective, but not without costs and sacrifices. Wouldn’t it be great to find an inexpensive and natural solution? Well, green tea is known for its anti-aging benefits.

The antioxidants found in green tea can slow the age-related changes to your body’s collagen. Collagen is a naturally occurring protein found throughout your body. This protein helps keep your skin looking young. Additionally, it is important for joint health.

So, steep some green tea, and savor the flavor and the benefits to your skin and joints.

Immune boosting benefits

Your immune system is so important to your health. Your ability to recognize and fight off infections is dependent on your immune system. So, whatever you can do to support this vital system will help keep you healthy.

While there are so many commercial products that claim to boost your immune system, there is no real evidence they work. However, green tea has been shown to increase the T cells of your immune system that ward off infection. Even more, these same T cells are important to prevent auto-immune diseases.

Additionally, green tea contains vitamin C. However, to make sure the benefits of vitamin C are not lost when preparing your cup of tea, the water temperature is important. At a high temperature, the active compounds are lost. So, it is a good idea to use warm water to maximize the health benefits of your tea,

Certainly important when the number of cases of newly diagnosed auto-immune disorders is rapidly increasing. So, savor that last sip of green tea and know you are treating your body well.

Lower your LDL cholesterol with Japanese green tea

Lowers cholesterol 

Let’s start by saying the debate over cholesterol can be confusing. Truth be told, your cholesterol levels play a vital role in your body. However, elevated levels of your LDL cholesterol can be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

So, if you have been told that your LDL (your bad cholesterol) levels are high, it is important to get them under control. Certainly, medications can help but are not without side effects.

Therefore, finding natural ways to lower your cholesterol is helpful in the long run. Green tea has been shown to be one of those natural remedies. In fact, research shows that green tea can produce small to moderate reductions in your LDL levels.

Combining green tea with other dietary changes, you should expect to see some significant improvements. Although, until that happens, you should follow your doctor’s advice on taking any medication they prescribe.

May help your digestive health 

Recently, the topic of gut health has become hugely popular. For good reason, your gut health plays a major role in your overall health. Therefore, finding ways to maximize good bacteria and neutralize bad bacteria is important for your immune system.

Fortunately, there is a natural remedy that does just that. The polyphenols found in green tea have been shown to help produce good bacteria. At the same time, these same polyphenols can be preventative of bad bacteria.

Given the recent links of gut health to autoimmune disorders and other degenerative neurological conditions, optimizing your gut health should be a priority. While probiotics of all types are helpful, green tea gives you another solution to improve your digestive health.


Whether you are looking to control your body weight by lowering your fat levels or looking to regulate your blood sugar, those green tea bags in your pantry serve a purpose. Japanese green tea is a perfect companion for your healthy lifestyle.