19 Amazing Health Benefits of Orange Spice Tea

From the pleasant scent to the relaxing taste, orange spice tea is a go-to when the weather starts to cool. That good balance of citrus peels and cinnamon sticks of this classic tea flavor will make you think of the holiday season. While all this is true, you will be happy to know that there are actually health benefits of orange spice tea. The combination of aromatherapy combined with beneficial compounds found in each tea bag is the perfect way to help you keep a healthy body.

What is orange spice tea?

Orange spiced tea begins is an exciting blend of black tea combined with the perfect balance of juicy oranges and a host of spices. Although popular during the winter months, this black tea blend with a bold cinnamon aroma and natural orange flavors is the perfect tea for anyone looking for a sweet start to their day. Besides being one of the best teas, orange spice tea has a variety of health benefits making it a great addition to your tea cabinet.

The black tea base in this tea recipe is a rich source of antioxidants known that can prevent free radicals from damaging your cells. The orange peel is a good source of vitamin C, vitamin B, beta-cartone, and folic acid which are important to your immune system. The various spices used to add to the orange spice tea benefits. Although the exact spices used in these tea blends will vary depending on the company.

health benefits of orange spice tea

What are the health benefits of orange spice tea?

Tea has been used for centuries as a health elixir. No matter the type of tea you prefer, hot drinks made with green tea, white tea, or organic black tea are good for your mind, body, and soul. Read on to discover the amazing health benefits of orange spice black tea.


Why is it that every time you tune into the news there is a story about a new bacterial infection and the medications are not working? Through natural processes and our liberal use of antibiotics, this is certainly a problem. That is unless you are a tea drinker.

With a high antioxidant content, polyphenols found in tea have shown the ability to resist bacterial growth. While not effective against all bacteria, these antibacterial benefits are effective against a wide range of bacteria. So, sit back and relax with a cup of tea knowing you are doing something good for yourself.


Since the beginning of history, people have been searching for the fountain of youth. Today, our fountain of youth has become cosmetic interventions like Botox. While these procedures are minimally invasive, there may be more natural ways to slow the aging process. Enjoying tea on a regular basis will provide you with high levels of antioxidants to fight those free radicals that are responsible for cell damage and aging. Furthermore, these same antioxidants are also protective against chronic disease. So adding this delicious tea into your diet is the perfect addition to your healthy lifestyle to promote longevity.

Heart health

Chances are there is someone in your family that has heart disease. Heart disease is not only the most prevalent chronic disease, but is also the leading cause of death in the United States. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to make sure you are not one of the statistics. Consistently, studies have shown that regular consumption of tea has been shown to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

In part, these cardioprotective benefits are due to the high magnesium content of black tea leaves. Scientific studies have consistently shown that diets high in magnesium help to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease. Specifically, magnesium works by addressing the metabolic risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease.


Tea is a heart-healthy beverage that improves your heart health by positively affecting the risk factors for heart disease. First, tea is helpful in improving your cholesterol levels. These were results were shown in people that had clinically diagnosed with high cholesterol and overweight individuals.

orange spice tea is heart healthy

Blood pressure

Second, tea has been shown to be a valuable tool in regulating your blood pressure and helping blood circulation. However, consistency is key. These benefits were shown in people that regularly consumed 3 or more cups of tea daily. Finally, besides influencing the risk factors of heart disease, drinking tea also lowers your stroke risk.


Not far behind cardiovascular disease for the award of the most prevalent and most deadly chronic disease is cancer. Sadly like other chronic diseases, the number of cancer cases continues to grow. Luckily, a large number of cancers are avoidable by changing your lifestyle. Adding a daily cup of tea into your routine can be one simple change that can lower your risk of developing cancer.

That’s right, cancer has been shown to lower the risk of developing cancer. Polyphenol theaflavins have been shown to be protective against certain cancers. In addition, other polyphenols have the ability to resist the spread of cancer. So, tea is not only helpful in cancer prevention, but also in slowing the spread of current tumors.


Diabetes is another chronic condition that is affecting more and more people. Both type I and type II diabetes are increasing worldwide. As a result, the cost of treatment and the ease of access to insulin is expected to increase. Fortunately, there could be more natural methods to reduce the risk of diabetes and regulate your blood sugar levels.

Tea could be your answer. Besides being an unsweetened beverage, tea has the ability to lower your blood glucose levels. Meaning, that you will be able to make good use of the glucose you consume so you can use it as fuel. As a bonus, tea consumption also reduces insulin resistance and increases your sensitivity to insulin.

This is why certain cultures value post-meal tea. While a blood sugar spike after a meal is normal, drinking tea after eating helps your body return to normal blood sugar levels more efficiently. So if you have been told you are prediabetic, consider adding some Bigelow orange spice tea into your diet.

orange spice tea can help resist obesity

Weight loss

Certainly, there is no shortage of weight loss products on the market. While there are some genetic factors involved in being overweight, your lifestyle can greatly impact weight loss or gain. 

Beyond calorie restriction and eating a well-balanced healthy diet, regular consumption of tea may help. First black tea has shown the ability to prevent digestion and storage of fats in your diet. Second, black tea has the ability to stimulate your body’s metabolism of fats. Finally, tea has oxidative effects that can fight obesity and limit the comorbidities associated with obesity.

Menstrual cramps

While not every woman will experience menstrual cramps from premenstrual syndrome. However, those that do will tell you they are no joke. Finding a natural remedy can help the many women who suffer from dysmenorrhea. 

It has been reported that tea can have a positive impact on these symptoms. However, the studies have focused primarily on green tea. Even though they come from the same plant, the processing of the leaves themselves can change the chemical makeup. As a result, there may not be a carry-over of the benefits. 

Allergy relief

To anyone that suffers from allergies, you don’t need anyone to explain to you how awful they can be. While some medications can lessen the effects, they often leave you in a brain fog. If this is you, have you ever considered trying a glass of tea to fight those allergies?

Those health-building theaflavins in black tea may have antiallergic properties. Studies in mice showed that these antioxidants could decrease the cytokine response partly responsible for allergic reactions. While human studies are needed, if you suffer from allergies you have nothing to lose by trying tea to ease your symptoms.

Pain relief

Everyone will experience pain and muscle soreness from time to time. Although, when you are in pain you will do almost anything to get ahead of it. Sadly, our pharmaceutical approach to pain has not been successful given the ongoing opioid epidemic.

Well, since tea is known to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties could it help with pain? The answer appears to be a yes. As a result of the flavonoids in tea, the anti-inflammatory response is similar to that of other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. While you should not swap those NSAIDs in your cabinet for tea just yet, the addition of a cup or two of tea daily could further help to reduce your pain.

Orange spice tea can add good bacteria to help keep your teeth healthy

Oral Health

Another important topic that does not get the attention it deserves is your oral health. Your mouth is a haven for bacteria, both good and bad. There is evidence that the loss of diversity of bacteria in your mouth can lead to tooth decay. Fortunately, it is believed that tea consumption can reduce the loss of bacterial diversity helping you protect that beautiful smile.

Skin health

Aging is an inevitable process. Although, each person ages at different rates. Is it genetics, environment, or lifestyle? Honestly, it is a combination of all factors. That said, some simple changes could help your skin health while reducing the signs of aging.

Enjoying a few cups of tea daily could be that simple step. The theaflavins in tea have the potential to minimize the harms that UV radiation has on your skin. For this reason, I switch to unsweetened iced tea in the summer to make sure I get my daily dose of natural skin protection. nih.gov/34536907/)

Brain power

While you and your body slow down, your cognitive abilities do not have to. We now know that your lifestyle plays an important role in cognitive functioning. One simple lifestyle change you should consider is adding tea to your routine.

Due to those ever-important polyphenols, there is scientific evidence that regular tea consumption decreases the risk of cognitive impairment. So, if you are looking to add natural protection to your brain’s health, check out the tea section at your grocery store.

Beyond those super healthy polyphenol compounds, caffeine found naturally in tea can also improve your level of alertness. To those looking to stay sharp in the afternoon and late in life, look no further than orange spice tea.

Detoxify your body with a cup of orange spice tea


One of the major functions of your liver is detoxification. Considering the number of toxins we come into contact with, protecting your liver is important for longevity. Due to the antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, there is evidence that black tea offers natural protection for your liver.

Specifically, tea has the potential to resist liver cell death as a way of detoxification and decrease inflammation. Other benefits have already been discussed for weight loss, but also include fat metabolism and gut bacterial diversity. These facts make tea a better alternative to those expensive cleanses. All you need to do is increase your tea consumption and your body will thank you.

Digestive system

The study of gut microbiota has become a trending topic. Your gut bacteria play an important role in proper digestion and your overall health. There is some evidence to suggest that black tea can help to increase the number of probiotic bacteria. While more research on humans is needed, there is some optimism. So, if you are taking probiotics, adding a glass of hot tea may help to diversify your gut bacteria. 

There is also some evidence that suggests that having a glass of tea after an unhealthy meal can resist changes to your gut bacteria. Meaning, that tea is protective of those healthy bacteria. While positive, it does not mean tea will eliminate the harmful effects of an unhealthy diet. Rather, on those moments when you splurge, tea could help to minimize the harmful effects on your gut health.

Immune health

Your ability to fight infections and remain healthy is directly tied to your immune system. While there is a surplus of supplements in the open market that have immune-boosting claims, those supplements are unregulated and those claims are often not backed by science. Tea on the other hand has been supported by science as a natural immune boosting drink.

Stress management

Everyone is affected by stress in some way or another. Over time this stress can affect your health. Your immune system, specifically your HPA axis (hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis) helps you respond properly to this stress. Tea has been shown to support this system helping you deal with those daily stressors.

Kidney health

Your kidneys play a major role in your body by filtering out toxins, retaining important vitamins and minerals, releasing hormones, and regulating your blood pressure. Without them, you are bound for dialysis. While this sounds scary, simply adding tea to your diet can provide natural protection to this important organ. Tea has shown the ability to decrease oxidative stress known to affect your kidney. Second, tea helps to reduce inflammation further supporting your kidneys. Finally, tea can protect your kidney cells from early death.

Why is orange spice tea healthy?

What makes tea so healthy?

There are many active compounds that make tea so good for you. Each of these compounds adds to the overall benefits of your health.

First, polyphenols are abundant in tea. These compounds are why red wine is viewed to be protective of your health. Second, important pigments made from those polyphenols offer anti-inflammatory properties.

Next up, polysaccharides act to regulate your immune system and help resist weight gain. Tea is also a good source of alkaloids that not only have antioxidant properties but can resist diabetes and weight gain.

Tea is also a good source of important amino acids. Besides helping your brain, one of these amino acids found in tea can help your heart, fight cancer, and even a cold.

Finally, saponins can be found in tea and offer antimicrobial properties. In addition, these tea saponins contribute to the anti-cancer and cardio-protective effects of tea.

Take away

Without a doubt, there are health benefits to orange spice tea. However, there are equal health benefits of other black tea varieties. For those of you looking for a caffeine-free option in the afternoon, try decaffeinated black tea mixed with cinnamon tea or a spice herb tea. Then add some fresh oranges and enjoy the health benefits of orange spice tea without the jolt.