Cheers to the Health Benefits of Red Moscato Wine

Who doesn’t love a glass of wine at the end of a long day? Beyond the warm glow, there are health benefits of wine. If you prefer sweet wines, take note of the health benefits of red Moscato wine. This dessert wine is sure to please everyone’s palate.

Red Moscato Grapes

What is Red Moscato Wine

Red Moscato wine comes from the family known as muscat grapes. Specifically, red Moscato wines come from the varietal of the Black Muscat grape.

The Black Muscat is a hybrid grape. It is made by crossing the Shiava grape with the Muscat blanc of Alexandria. By crossing white and red grapes, this unique wine holds fruit flavors of both.

Red Moscato is known as a sweet red wine. This dessert wine is often described as fizzy on the palate. Red Moscato is also a great wine to transition to red wine since it holds many of the characteristics of white wine, yet carries some of the boldness of a traditional red wine to satisfy red wine drinkers.

The sweetness of the Red Moscato wine is from the higher sugar levels. This happens during the fermentation process. The winemaker will stop fermentation leaving residual sugar in the wine, which is responsible for the sweetness. So, if blood sugar control is a problem, there are other types of wines with fewer calories.

Why is Red Moscato Wine Healthy?

Low Alcohol Content

Red Moscato wine is known for its lower alcohol content. While a lower ABV (alcohol by volume) may not be optimal if you are looking for a buzz, it is preferable for your health since overconsumption of alcoholic drinks has been shown to lead to cognitive decline and heart attacks.

Numerous studies have shown light to moderate amounts of alcohol intake have health benefits. Research shows this level of moderate drinking can be protective of your heart and your brain. Acting as a blood thinner, a daily glass of wine may reduce your risk of developing blood clots. 

Red Moscato wine also has high levels of resveratrol which can help reduce inflammation levels. Found in the skin of grapes reducing inflammatory levels in your body, low alcohol consumption and high resveratrol levels can lower your risk of heart attack, stroke, and even Alzheimer’s disease. On the other hand, too much alcohol can cause health problems. Heavy drinking could increase your risk of growing cancer cells, liver problems, and even heart failure.

Health Benefits of Red Moscato Wine


Polyphenols are antioxidants that are found primarily in grape skins of red and purple grapes. These antioxidants are believed to be protective of the lining of your blood vessels. Therefore, intake of these powerful antioxidants can lead to better heart health.

There is also evidence that these polyphenols can help to lower your blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is essential for a lower risk of heart disease. Although moderate alcohol consumption is key since too much drinking actually increases your blood pressure.

One polyphenol of particular interest is resveratrol. In numerous studies this wonder compound has been shown to have anticarcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, cardioprotective, neuroprotective, and vasodilation properties. Wow, that is powerful.

Resveratrol is shown to be helpful in keeping healthy cholesterol levels.  By lowering bad cholesterol dietary inclusion of this antioxidant compound is beneficial to your overall health. However, this anti-oxidant won’t improve your good cholesterol.

Recent studies have shown that this amazing antioxidant can also help to lower your blood pressure. Although, if you have high blood pressure, consult with your doctor before using wine as a treatment.

In addition, there is some evidence that resveratrol plays a role in brain health and insulin sensitivity. By lowering insulin resistance you help to keep diabetes away! Even more important now that Alzheimer’s disease has been termed type 3 diabetes.


Antioxdants (Resveratrol)

Red Moscato has high levels of flavonoids. Flavonoids are known to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body. They can prevent oxidative damage to your cells. These benefits can be helpful in preventing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. 

Numerous studies suggest that flavonoids are beneficial in controlling chronic pain and inflammation. So pour yourself 4 ounces of wine and help to ease your pain. 

In addition, there is also evidence that flavonoids are helpful in fighting viral infections. So this flu season makes sure you stock up on red wine in addition to that vitamin C.

What are the Health Benefits of Red Wine Moscato?

Moderate alcohol consumption, in particular, red wine consumption has been recognized by the American Heart Association for having potential health benefits. Look no further than the Mediterranean diet to offer evidence to support this claim. People in this region are known to be moderate drinkers.

The Mediterranean diet is hailed as the world’s healthiest diet. A staple of that diet is red wine consumption. Followers of this popular diet have been shown to have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and dementia. Say cheers and protect yourself from cognitive decline.

It is important to note that if you are not a drinker, beginning to drink wine for health benefits is not advised unless it is specifically recommended by your health care professional.

Blood Pressure

There is some evidence that suggests a glass of red wine can help control blood pressure. Polyphenols are believed to be the reason for this response.

Gut Health

Medical and research science has been focused on gut health recently. Rightly so, since your digestive system contains much of your immune system. As a result, your gut bacteria, referred to as your gut microbiome, may be key to many auto-immune and neuro-degenerative conditions. Fortunately, red wine drinking is linked to better gut health and an increase in the diversity of gut bacteria.

How Much Red Wine Is Healthy

Clearly, red wine contains compounds that are beneficial to you and your body. Knowing how much is healthy is important because too much alcohol can lead to liver damage and increase your risk of cancer. Breast cancer in particular is linked with unhealthy alcohol consumption.

So how much is considered healthy? The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends no more than 2 drinks per day from men and 1 drink or less per day for women. This recommendation is what is considered moderate amounts.

What are the healthiest red wines

What Are the Healthiest Red Wines

What are the healthiest types of wines? First, red wine wins out over white wine. Sorry white zinfandel fans, red wine is known for high levels of resveratrol. In determining the healthiest red wines, there seems to be some debate. However, one type of wine seems to be placed at the top of the list more than not. 

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir is the overall consensus for the healthiest wine grape. This ranking is because the type of grape has the highest levels of resveratrol of any type of wine. 

Known for having thin skin, the method in which Pinot Noir is made results in lower sugar content. So if weight gain or a blood sugar spine is of concern, Pinot Noir is your best bet.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Considered one of the most popular red wine varietals, this wine grape is loaded with proanthocyanidins. This amazing antioxidant has been shown to reduce oxidative stress in the human body.

Essentially, oxidative stress is the imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals in your body. Accumulation of free radicals causes acceleration in aging contributing to the growth of cancer cells. In addition, there are associations between heart disease and diabetes. Therefore, moderate consumption of red wine can help achieve a healthy balance.

Cabernet sauvignon is also known to have high levels of resveratrol. Additionally, cabernet sauvignon groups contain catechin and epicatechin. These compounds are known to offer protection from certain viruses, including the flu.

So open a bottle of cabernet sauvignon and cheers to your health. Although limit yourself to just a glass because too much alcohol is harmful to your immune system.

Drink With Caution

Although evidence supports the health benefits of red wine, caution is urged. Consumption of alcoholic beverages can lead to a cascade of negative health effects. Data also suggests that alcohol consumption in the United States has increased to unhealthy levels.

Exceeding the dietary guidelines or recommendations for alcohol intake can increase your risk for cancer, dementia, and negatively affect your cardiovascular health. It is a reminder to drink responsibly. Cheers to your health.

Take away

If you prefer to drink wine at the end of the day with your wine, enjoy! Good things can happen to you and your body with low to moderate wine consumption. Interestingly, the same cannot be said for other alcoholic beverages. A recent study shows beer and distilled spirits contribute to visceral fat known to be responsible for chronic diseases. So even though a glass of wine is equal to 12 ounces of beer in terms of alcohol, there is no comparison when looking at the health benefits.

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