9 Best Golf Core Exercises to Improve Your Swing

Whether you are new to golf or have been playing for years, the importance of core strength is unquestioned. Golf core exercises can help take your game to the next level while lowering your risk of injury. If you are ready to improve your golf game by lowering your handicap and developing a powerful golf swing then this free guide to the ultimate golf core workout routine is for you.

Striking a golf ball is much harder than it looks. A powerful swing requires a unique combination of rotational strength, spinal control, and good form for perfect timing. Ultimately, a good swing is the key to your success in golf. This takes practice, practice, and more practice at the driving range to perfect your swing. Next to a practice session, a good golf swing requires a strong core and good range of motion in your lumbar spine. 

Improve your golf swing

Core strength and athletic performance 

Any athlete knows that strength training is the key to a competitive advantage. Your workout routine should focus on the entire body and train all the major muscle groups. This includes arguably the most important part of your body, your core muscles. Training your core on a regular basis will improve your athletic performance and help with injury prevention in any sport. 

Training routine for golfers

Today’s golfers are much more attuned to their bodies. Most people on the PGA tour would be considered fit golfers. While the weekend golfer may not aspire to play at professional levels, why wouldn’t you want to improve your game?

The best golf exercises will focus on developing core stability to improve your aim for your short game and rotational power for longer drives. Here you will find golf core workouts that are supported by sports science.

Golf core exercises 

The following exercises are the best core exercises to add to your fitness routine to improve your golf game. To ensure you are constantly challenging yourself and meeting the conditions to build strength, recommendations on progression will also be included to give you the most complete golf core exercises. While you do not need specialized equipment, a medicine ball, a stability ball, and an exercise band are great tools to develop strong abs. 

Golf core exercises for a more powerful swing

Golf core exercises: squats

Squats may be a lower body exercise, but squats also activate your abdominal muscles. Squatting also targets your rectus abdominis, obliques, and transverse abdominis. That is why I consider it the single best exercise for your body as long as it is done properly.

To start, it is best to practice hip hinge exercises. Squatting begins with the movement of your hips. Much like your golf stance, keep your feet shoulder-width apart and follow the form in this video.

Golf core exercises: Russian twists

Russian twists are a great core exercise to increase rotational power. Russian twists also work your shoulder and upper back muscles to help you strike the ball for long distances. Here is a video to help you get started.

Golf core exercises: side planks with reach under

A side plank is a traditional way to target your obliques, but adding a reach-under takes this great exercise to the next level. Here you will hold a neutral position with a traditional side plank, but add a literal twist. Your upper body moves to reach under, then returns. Here is a short demonstration.

Golf core exercises: planks

Planks are among most trainers’ favorite core exercises. Planks are a great way to build core strength. Begin in a plank position and hold. As this becomes easier, there are many ways to challenge yourself. You could try shoulder taps, hip extensions, or even stepouts. However, if you walk to push the limits try walking planks.

Create hip and core stability to improve your golf game

Golf core exercises: bird dogs

The bird dog is a great core exercise that also works your lower back muscles and gluteus maximus. To start, get on the ground on all fours. Now with control extend your right arm and left leg out. Do your best to maintain a straight line. After a brief pause return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite leg. Here is a quick video tutorial to help. Once you have mastered this, add resistance bands for an added challenge. 

Golf core exercises: dead bugs

Dead bugs may sound like a funny name for an exercise, but once you see it you will know why. To start, lie face up to the ceiling with your hips and knees in a 90/90 tabletop position. Your arms will also be pointed towards the ceiling. With control extend your opposite arm and leg without resting them on the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat on the opposite side.

Golf core exercises: anti-rotation press

Although a powerful rotational movement is important for your long game and driving distance, an anti rotation exercise is helpful for your short game. Often referred to as a Pallof press, you will need a resistance band or a cable column. The Pallof press will train your lower back and core to resist movement as your upper body moves to give you the stability you need to make those important puts. Here is a video demonstration to get you started.

Golf core exercises: diagonal chops

Diagonal chops are an excellent exercise to help you build the core strength and rotation power for a more powerful swing. It can be done with a medicine ball, kettlebell, resistance band, weight plate, or a cable columnCheck out this video on how to chop like a lumberjack. 

Bridge your way to a better swing

Golf core exercises: bridges

Bridges are a classic exercise to strengthen your hip extensors and build core strength. Bridges and all variations are also commonly used to rehabilitate an injury to your low back. However, it can also be part of an injury prevention program. Here is a link with different variations to help you improve your golf game. 

Golf core exercises, final thoughts

If you want to improve your handicap, these golf core exercises will help you reach your goal. Once you start, you will notice a significant improvement in your golf game. Heck, it will even help out on the disc golf course. So order some resistance bands, a stability ball, and a med ball to get started. You will be happy you did.