Strong at 100, Your Journey Begins Now

Do you have what it takes to be Strong at 100? Throughout history, people have been searching for the fountain of youth. Wouldn’t you want to live into old age without losing your quality of life? At Strong at 100, you will find information on the latest evidence about how to live a long life with good health.

Many of us share the common goal of being Strong at 100, but each of our journeys is unique. Myself included. You can read about my personal journey here.

While you can’t stop the aging process, there are many things you can do to live a healthier life. One of the biggest challenges can be finding the right starting point.

Do you have what it takes to be Strong at 100?

What to expect from Strong at 100?

The good news is Strong at 100 is here to help. Inspired by the Blue Zones, you will find information modeled after blue zone centenarians. The ultimate goal is to provide you with health information to help you make simple changes that can have a big impact on your health.

Specifically, Strong at 100 is dedicated to providing you with the latest evidence-based research on the health benefits of a plant-based diet and exercise.  This approach is proven to lower your risk of cancer and other chronic diseases like heart disease and high blood pressure. Sounds too simple to be true, but simple is why it works.

You will also find information on injury recovery and prevention so you can continue to live an active lifestyle.  This journey will not happen overnight. It will take hard work and a positive attitude, and it is totally worth it. Whether you are looking for health-related content or need specific lifestyle consultation, Strong at 100 should be your first choice.

How to be Strong at 100

Want to join me on the quest to be Strong at 100? Good! Strong members are wanted to join our supportive community. It all begins with a desire to change and live a healthy lifestyle. From there dig in and find your inner strength to help you make a noticeable impact on your health.

Based on longevity research and case studies, here is what it takes to have the highest life expectancy possible.

  • Inner strength. Having a sense of purpose, resiliency, sense of coherence, hardiness, and self-transcendence. This helps you remain emotionally strong and properly manage your stress.
  • Physical activity. Anything from aerobic exercises, resistance exercises, and yoga to remaining active counts.
  • Diet. Focus on well-balanced, mostly plant-based, and hara hachi bu (literally eat until you are 80% full)
  • Socialize. Surround yourself with friends and family and reap the health benefits of quality relationships.
  • Community. Find a community to be a part of and engage. This is what is referred to as social capital.
  • Environment. Choose your zip code wisely. In the United States, where yois more important to your health than your genetics.
  • Learn. Keep your brain active and continuously strive to learn and better yourself.
  • Sleep. Make sure you get at least 6 hours but strive to get a solid 8. But not too much because a recent study found that anything more than 8 is linked with cognitive decline.
  • Healthcare. Get your screenings, maintain a healthy weight, and be proactive in your health.

Strong at 100, Community

Change is challenging. Sometimes you need the support of a community to help you through these challenging moments. By following Strong at 100, you are providing yourself with the information that will inspire and help you in your quest to be Strong at 100. By joining the community at Strong at 100, you will become part of a family of like-minded people on their own journey.